February Featured Home
3br Family Home with upgraded cabinety
The Rochester JR4 is one of top sellers! This 1,920 square foot home has been on our lot as long as we can remember – every 2 years we rotate and bring in new options and new colors in this same floorplan. Featuring 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, there is so much potential in this home! The farmhouse fireplace in our model is gorgeous! We also added the 9′ sidewall option, which makes this home feel so much larger than just 1,920 square feet! This home can go on a crawlspace or a basement, you can even option in the 9/12 roof pitch to add habitable attic space! Which means – MORE square footage! Lots of variations of this home can be done with customizations. In a few months, we will have NEW options and colors available for new orders!
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